Submitted by Margaret Sok

Write a poem or story around the theme of 'Lonely Together.'

Lonely Together

She laid beside him. In the early days she and her husband had slotted quite nicely next to each other in a double. Always one body part or other touching. She had saved herself for her wedding night and once they had gotten past the nerves it was quite a pleasant experience for them both. They were often intimate, sexual. Even the cuddling and the kissing had excited them.

When they got the king bed an expanse a gulf a sea divided them. When they first had the bed she used to cross the gulf and spoon into his back. Rubbing her most vulnerable self her breasts her tummy her bits, in the hope to arouse his interest. He would groan, sometimes push her away. Her anticipation was dampened time and time again. Her advances rejected.

He was snoring now. Her left hand rested on her breast, gently caressing her nipple. Her right hand touching her smooth skin travelling down to gently stroke the outside then finger the wetness within. Her body stretching and enjoying the slowness of her own touch and her imagination filling her head with beautiful scenarios. She had the whole night; sometimes reaching climax straight away and other times having breaks in between.

Sweet dreams my love.

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