by Sans @

Write a story from the perspective of someone in this image (perhaps we cannot see them, but they're there).

UFO Intern

Icy winds are nothing unusual around here, what is unusual, however, are frozen unidentified flying objects that have been around for who knows how long.

I’m probably not meant to see this. I shouldn’t be allowed to see this. Yes, that’s it, Area 51 will come and wipe our memories and then this will all be over. Except… they haven’t come yet. And my intern job has suddenly become very interesting and I’m suddenly not being paid enough. The only way I see this ending is months of paper work. And maybe if I’m persistent enough, a couple thousand in hush-hush money.

Also, in my opinion, the red suits are a bit much. Sure, they make it look like I fell out of a sci-fi movie, but honestly, I feel like a very red, attention hungry, trash bag. Maybe it was for the camera guy’s sake (who’s probably getting paid more than me).

If you want to know who I am, I’m the awkward looking one on the far right. That’s it, take a screenshot and zoom in… that’s me. I know, I know, you’re thinking the same thing I am… that kid doesn’t have a clue about what he’s doing. And you are absolutely correct. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to talk to my advisor.

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