Chronicles Of Alexandria

Prologue: Part 3

A few moments later, Andromeda, Roman, and Genesis were on the sidewalk of 4th Avenue in the strange place called “Brooklyn”.

Odd vehicles raced by. People with strange clothes walked past Andromeda with startled expressions.

The Queen had never been to the mortal world called “Earth” before.

“What a strange place”, noted Andromeda. Then she heard a child crying. She glanced to her side to see Genesis, traumatized by all of the noise.

Andromeda snapped out of her thoughts and reminded her self of the mission; find the family Harmona had told her about.

Just then, a man walked up to Andromeda.

“Umm, ma’am?”, the man asked, startled,”What are you wearing?”

Andromeda, unaware of how she was dressed, looked down to examine her outfit. She was wearing sandals made from the hide of a Chingora and white robes, lace with yellow flowers.

“Where I come from”, stated Andromeda ,”this is completely normal. But never mind that. Can you help me find the, umm…Rodreguz residence?” The gentleman pointed to a nice brick building behind them.

“Thank you kind sir”, she said politely. Then she picked up Genesis and marched towards the fine home.

But before she knocked on the door, she set Roman in the bushes underneath the window. She would find a good family for him later.

Andromeda was once again about to knock, but stopped herself. If she left Genesis with her memories, Scarlett would be able to find her before she was grown up. So Andromeda placed her on the ground, place her hand on Genesis’ forehead, and mutter Fa-ov.

With that, Genesis’ eyes changed from ocean blue to green. Then she fell back into the bushes.

“Gods I hate that spell”, murmured Andromeda. The Queen picked the child back up and knocked on the door.

A few minutes later, a Hispanic couple in their early twenties answered the door.

“Uh, hello”, the man said nervously ,”Can we help you?”

“Yes you can”, replied Andromeda ,”Do you know a Harmona and Cole Amaro?” The couple gave each other a nervous glance.

“Umm, yes”, said the woman ,”They came by a couple of weeks ago asking if they could take care of our child”.

“Do you think I can come in”, asked the Queen.

“Yes, I suppose”, responded the husband, opening the door wider. Andromeda slid past the couple and trotted into the house

Once Andromeda was led to the living room, the couple started to relax.

“Please sit”, offered the wife ,”Would you like coffee or tea?”

“Umm, no thank you”, Andromeda declined. The woman nodded, then sat down on the couch next her husband. Andromeda took the chair closest to the sofa.

“So”, prompted the gentleman ,”who are you exactly?”

“I am Queen Andromeda of Alexandria”, Andromeda said boldly ,”and this child is in grave danger”. Then Andromeda explained the prophecy, how Genesis’ aunt will be looking for her, and how they need to guard her with their life. By the time she was done, the couple’s jaws were on the floor.

“So what your telling us”, confirmed the man ,”is that this child is going to grow up and kill her aunt? And we have to protect her?”

“Yes”, replied Andromeda ,”And a new name would hurt”.

“I’ve always liked the name Halaina”, responded the woman rather quickly.

“Halaina it is”, Andromeda said ,”And one more thing. I can protect this house for 5 or 6 years with a spell, but that’s all I can do”.

“Why can’t you protect us longer”, asked the man ,”You’ve got tot be pretty powerful”. The Queen grimaced.

“My power has it’s limit”, replied Andromeda, handing over Genesis. Before Andromeda left, she walked back over to the sleeping child.

“Until we meet again my young hero”, whispered the Queen ,”You’re going to change the world someday”. And with that, the Queen was gone.

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