Write a short story based on these three words
No one suspects a girl
He is the key. The key to my freedom. I see him from across the bar drinking a dry martini, there’s no one with him and to be honest, he looks utterly drained. His suit is black with gold lace details, his hair slicked back to make him look like a gangster, he is definitely covered in money. I flick my golden hair back and strut towards him, deliberately exaggerating all of my feminine wiles which I know he won’t be able to resist. I sit at the stool next to him and the performance begins, I adorn the saddest face I can create, I pretend to suddenly notice that my bag has been opened by “someone else” and proceed to silently cry.
He leans over and asks me what happened so I tell him that I have been mugged so I no longer have the money to afford a cab back home, let alone a drink. He buys me a Bloody Mary and I begin the usual chat up routine, by the end of my spiel he insists on driving me home. During the drive, I lift up certain parts of my dress “accidentally” and observe the look on his face as he tries to defy his lust filled urges. At this stage, I fake a phone call from a room mate and pretty cry all over again. He asks me what’s wrong and I tell him that my room mate has locked me out of our shared for some obscure reason, as a result he offers to take me to his mansion. I gush but tell him that I wouldn’t want to impose, he insists so I say yes. He has fallen into my trap.
He wants to take me on a grand tour of his house, I suggest that he takes me on a grand tour of his bedroom and things only get better from there...
By the time I’m finished with him, he will be ruined. I slip out of bed and replace my body with a pillow, he barely stirs. I discover he’s a recent bachelor so my job is automatically made easier, I take whatever I can get a hold of: wallets and jewellery and slip them into the hidden pockets in my dress. I then wake up the sleeping butler and ask him to call me a cab. When the cab arrives, I take it all the way to 7th Avenue and tip the driver with measly change as to not arouse suspicion. I then head over to the nearest coach station and board a coach to Ohio.
A few days later, I read a news report about the man. The tabloids claim that the valuables that “supposedly” went missing were part of his own insurance scam and that he may be facing jail time for fraud. That same day, I find myself at a bar. I see her from across the bar drinking a cocktail,there’s no one with her...