
Beneath the tender curtain of rain, Ravi found himself in a dream that had haunted his nights for as long as he could remember. The droplets fell from the heavens like a thousand teardrops, surrounding Ravi and the girl before him. The world seemed to blur, as if nature itself was crying with them. Both of them stood in silence, their hearts heavy with unspoken words.

Tears streamed down their faces, joining the gentle downpour. Ravi's voice quivered as he whispered, "I'm so sorry, Rylee. I couldn't keep my promise. But please, believe me when I say that, that, I will find you in my next life. I promise."

As those words escaped his lips, it felt as though the very heavens held their breath. In response, a deafening clap of thunder rolled across the sky, a resounding echo of the pain that tore at their hearts. And then, just like that, the dream slipped away, like a fragile fragment of smoke in the air.

Ravi awoke, wet in sweat, his heart racing with a mingling of hope. He had seen this dream countless times, and each time, it left him with a profound sense of loss and craving. It felt like a memory from another lifetime, a promise he couldn't fulfill.

In the waking world, Ravi's days were spent in a routine of work and loneliness, but the dream was a constant companion, a riddle he couldn't solve. He couldn't explain why it held such a grip on him, but he knew deep down that it was more than a dream. It was a promise, a vow that transcended time.

Then, one evening, as he scrolled through a dating app with a sense of detachment, something stopped him in his tracks. A profile, named simply "Queen," beckoned to him. The photo displayed a girl dancing exuberantly in the rain, her laughter captured in the frozen moment.

Ravi's hands trembled as he read her profile description: "I hope it's real, and I hope you'll find me again. Are you really there, Ravi?"

Tears welled up in his eyes as he typed a message, fingers quaking with emotion, "I found you."

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