The Night To Remember

“You’ve got the wrong guy!” He shouted dazed and confused.

He grabs onto the nearest wall turning to the two giant muscular men. He vision blurred by the amount of drinks he had prior to this.

“Oh I don’t think we have the wrong dude, Arron.” One of the dudes, the slightly taller one, says as he cracks his knuckles.

“I do remember you being the one that kissed my girlfriend!” The shorter one of the dudes speaks up stepping towards Arron.

Arron quickly steps back hitting the dead end of the alleyway they are in. “Okay okay I kissed her! But it was a mistake. I was drunk, still am. But I didn’t mean it guys!”

The shorter one looks at the taller one and nods his head as the taller one slowly grows a smirk on his face and walks closer to Arron.

Without a second to figure out what was about to happen, the taller guy punched Arron so hard in the face the force of the punch knock Arron to the ground. The taller dude grabs Arron by his sweater pulling him up as his head kinda bobbles to and from.

The shorter dude comes closer and punches Arron in the stomach making him puke up what he had ate earlier. And without a second to think the short dude punches Arron in the face so hard he gets thrown back against the wall hitting his head and falls to the floor blacking out.

“That’s what you get for kissing my girl loser.” The short one says with a smirk on his face, kicking Arron in the stomach one last time before they walk away leaving Arron there.

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