Taking Lives at the Party

Vaya, Lily, and I laughed loudly with our plastic cups in our hand. We had just witnessed a large spill in the living room. Rondo, the host of the party, yelled obnoxiously at the spiller before heading to the paper towels.

It was a Friday night, and we had all gotten drunk. There were solo cups all over the floor, and streamers hung messily from the fireplace. Vaya laughed hysterically and plopped herself on the couch. Lily and her boyfriend, Clint, took shot after shot.

"We wont stop unless the sun goes dowwwwwwn..." Vaya yelled over the blasting music. By now, people were in the back dancing and flailing their arms in the air like the stretchy balloons you see at a car dealership.

Some people were calling their parents to give them a made up excuse of where they were at.

One excuse was that they were at the park, watching a movie with their friends. Another one was that they took a wrong turn and they were still an hour away from home. The others were typical excuses like, "I'm walking the dog!" or, "I’m spending the night at so-and-so's house."

This party was kinda fun though, despite a drunk walking up to you every 5 minutes to ask you if you're single or not. Next to Vaya, I collapsed on the couch and nearly passed out. I've never had so many drinks in my life.

Thats when I heard it. I jumped up, running. A scream came from the kitchen, and people urged back to reveal a spill of blood.

Clint ran home, leaving Lily at the party. Lily couldn't handle blood, but Clint was worse. However, when I looked up at Lily… she was holding a bloody knife in her hand. She turned around to face me, and started to cry.

“I didn’t do it.” She whispered.

“EVERYONE! GO HOME! GO HOME!” I shouted at the top of my lungs, while running out the door. A stampede of people barged out the door, leaving Lily standing there. Again.

“Did Clint see this?!” I screamed at her from outside. “Does he know you’re a killer?!”

Lily stared at me without looking away. Then suddenly, she took a step.




Closer and closer towards me. I cried and tried to run, but my legs were frozen. I thought this was it…

“It wasn’t me! You have to believe me. We’ve been friends forever! Please. PLEASE!”

I saw Vaya run to the kitchen behind Lily. I don’t know what she was doing, or why she was still in the house, but I didn’t want to know. I just wanted to run!

“Come on, Evie! We’ve been friends ever since I can remembe-“

“DO NOT CALL ME EVIE. ITS EVELYN.” I don’t trust Lily anymore. Who would? She just killed someone!

“What?! You seriously think I murdered an innocent man? What’s wrong with you?!”

“Me?! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?!” I screamed. I don’t know what to do. My head is in loop, and I’m so confused. Killing someone doesn’t seem like anything Lily would do.

“I’m your best friend! Please, Evie! Ple-“


A knife had gone through Lily, and come back out. Lily fell, revealing Vaya standing behind her, smirking.

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