Seasons Diary


I am new. The world is new. The sky, the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the grass: They’re all new. Everything is new. The world has awakened after so long in the dark. And I can’t wait to explore it all.

The spring breeze blows my honey blonde curls across my cheeks. My green eyes roam the world for the first time, taking in this new world. My rose gold wings can unfurl and stretch for the first time. They long to spread and fly. I can hear the birdsong and the laughing waters of a stream nearby. I smell the strong scent of the newly-blooming flowers. I want to see it all, everything this new world has to offer. I am Cerealia.


I am adventurous. The world is a bit older now, but still so new. The air has grown hotter and the days longer. This means more time to explore and play and adventure. As I have explored the world, I have seen so many new things I’d never seen before. And as the world changed from a new spring flower to a hot summer breeze, I have changed with it.

My honey curls have turned a strawberry blonde, and my once-green eyes are now blue as the sky above. My wings have become a fiery gold to match the summer sun. I have already seen many things, but there’s still so much more this world has to offer. I want to explore every inch of this world, and because the days have grown longer, I’ll have plenty of time to do it. I am Aelia.


I am curious. The world is knowledgeable know; it knows many things, as do I. But there is still so much to learn. The time for exploring is over. I haven’t seen everything, but I have seen a lot. Now is the time for learning. Learning how the world works, learning what it has to offer, learning everything I can.

This world has changed again, from earthen browns and forest greens and flowery pastels to fiery reds, bright oranges, and golden yellows. As the world has changed again, more drastically this time, I have changed with it. My hair has turned a fiery auburn like the trees’ red leaves. My eyes have turned a mahogany brown to match the bark of the trees that has become more visible as they shed their leaves. My wings are now a copper orange, like a metallic version of the orange leaves of the trees. I can’t wait to learn everything I can from this changed world of bright, fiery colors. I am Sienna.


I am bitter. The world is bitter and cold, yet wiser, too. It has seen many seasons and learned many things, and its newfound knowledge has turned it bitter. It has become icy and cold, a world full of whites and blues and grays and blacks. The animals have gone into hibernation, and everything is silent, as if the world was holding its breath, waiting for the newness of spring to return.

I have changed again to match the world’s new mood and tone. My beautifully colored hair has turned to a shiny, pitch black. My eyes are now the cold, hard silvery blue of the ice. My wings are white as the freshly fallen snow, tipped in silver. I am cold and bitter but wiser, just as the world is now. Perhaps I will thaw again when the spring comes. I am Diamond.


I am new. The world is new. The sky, the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the grass: They’re all new. Everything is new. The world has awakened after so long in the dark. And once again, I can’t wait to explore it all.

For the world is new with each passing season in its own way, and each season has something to offer. You just have to find a new way at seeing the world. Explore each season with new eyes, a fresh mind, and an open heart, as I am doing now. I am Ailani.

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