Talk About Life

I am drunk. How did I get here? I don‘t know. What do I do here? I don‘t know. Shit.

„Are you ready?“, my friend asks. His eyes travel over my face and then I see concern flickering up in his visage, „Are you drunk?“

I don‘t answer. I just look at him, suddenly it‘s damn funny to see him here and a smirk plays around my lips.

„Shit!“, he murmurs, „What do we do now?“

„I don‘t know, you tell me.“, I say with a shaky voice.

„Ok, wait here for a second. Don‘t move, I‘ll be right back.“, he warns and disapears.

Minutes later he comes back with a cup water and a woman. I know her, but from where?

„Ok, so drink that.“, my friend says and hands me the water. As I drink it, the woman starts to talk to my friend quietly, seconds later, she‘s gone.

„Who was that? I know her.“, I say when I give him the cup back. He looks irritated.

„Yeah, that‘s your sister.“, he answers with dry voice.


„Ok, listen.“, he grabs me by my shoulders an forces me to look at him, „In a few minutes you’re holding a big speech about life … to thousands of people. Understood?“

I squint my eyes to think through what he just said.

„Oh shit.“, I make big eyes as I understand what he means, „I don‘t have a speech.“

„Yeah I thought so. But you can‘t step back. You need to do this.“

I shake my head in the hope to remember something from a speech I prepared, but nothing comes to mind.

„You need to go out there. Mary will be back in a few minutes, she brings a speech. But until then, you need to freestyle.“, his eyes drag into mine and his voice is desperatly.


In another room someone announces my name and I freeze in place for a short second.

„Shit, let‘s go, you need to go.“, my friend drags me through a door and pushes me onto a big stage with a single pult with mic on it. Slowly I step behind the pult and cough quietly. I look in the crowd. Thousand eye-pairs look back.

„Ok“, I say. I look to the side, my friend gestures me to talk. I grin, „So life. I‘m supposed to talk about life. The funny thing about life is, we can‘t touch it. It‘s simply there. In everyone of us. Sometimes we don‘t appreciate it enough, because we think it is always there. And sometimes we ask ourselves why life‘s so cruel. And sometimes we think that it‘s unbelievable how life can change in minutes. And even sometimes we think about how crazy life is. Because even though there are so many bad things and we‘re all always complaining about how shitty life is, we don‘t want to die. Because deep down everyone of you knows how precious life is. I know sometimes everything is fucked up and we think _why am I even here?_, but trust me when I say, there are better times to come. We don‘t hate the moon for not always shining in the same brightness.“, in the corner of my eye I see my sister appearing next to my friend, but he just stops her and gestures to me. I have the control, I know what I do. I take a quick look to them, then I look in the crowd and sigh.

„Enjoy life. Because … we are the lucky ones. The ones who _get_ to live. So enjoy every single second you have.“, it‘s quiet for a moment, then I indicate a little obeisance, „Thank you.“

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