Submitted by Ramen Noodles

I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all.

Write a story based around this sentence, or have one of your characters say this line at some point in your story.

six of us

there used to be six of us

now i’m alone

the memories fade into dust

like the marrow of my bones

there used to be six of us

but One held her head too high

too proud, too vain

she left us to die

there used to be six of us

but Two was a monster

too angry, too violent

he let us wonder

there used to be six of us

but Three cried real bad

too loud, too emotional

gone, was what he had

there used to six of us

but Four whispered too much

too jealous, too nosey

she always stayed in touch

there used to be six of us

but Five tried to stay

too kind, too patient

there was no other way

there used to be six of us

now Six sits and writes

too distant, too preoccupied

she wishes she’d put up a fight.

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