Time Moves On

Time moves on




With it, it takes


Our lives

Our very existence

Funneling down to that crucial point

Called Death

Time begets memories

It erases memories

It leaves hints for the future

And landmarks to the past

It marches on

Never looking back

Always gazing forward

Towards the hazy future

We cannot turn it back

We cannot retrace its steps

It leads us in that everlasting dance

Never releasing us

To the bondage of stagnation.

To all who wish

To return to the past

I say:


For God has given us the gift of time

To prevent us from dwelling in the past

And to teach us to always

Move on

To all who wish

To skip to the future

I say:


For God has given us the gift of time

To know the joys and pain

Of the present

That we may prepare for the future’s

Joys and pain

To all who wish

To remain in the present

I say:


For God has given us the gift of time

That we may not wallow in the now

Yet keep one eye on lessons of the past

And one eye on the hope of the future

And press on

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