“I really can’t stand you.”
“Then why are you still listening to me?”
Write a short story that features this piece of dialogue.
Simon Says…
I hear Simon say, “Get up!” As abruptly as the dawn comes and goes in the morning.
Although I was furious, begrudgingly, I got up anyway. Uncertain, and hurt, I begin to state my displeasure with his aggressive tone. As my courage brings my mouth ajar, Simon says, “Pack your bags, and wipe this place down, I mean everything.”
Whatever I was about to say to Simon, I completely forgot, I just stood there in utter shock. With each tear that fell, a new question arose. Like how could he just switch up on me like this, how did I not see this enormous red flag, how could anyone treat someone they were intimate with like this… how can I call for help?
Sitting there peacefully across his squeaky guest bedroom floor was my savior, my phone. I only needed a prayer to reach it. While finishing the last room in his 2 bedroom apartment, I make my way towards my phone.
And as I’m walking across the hall just two or three steps away from my phone, I hear Simon say, “get your bags put them in the hallway, and walk outside to the curb.”
Confused, and still unable to do much else then sob, I grab my bags put them in his hallway, and proceed to the curb of a very busy Main St.
No phone, no courage, no will to fight this abusive monster, I just wait for what seems to be the last of his commands. Standing at the breezy curbside, with wind in my hair, and people looking at my pale distraught face in horror.
Then I heard, Simon say “Now go stand in the middle of the street.”
Then an elderly man stands beside me, takes a gaze at me, and says, “aw, young lady, it’s going to be ok, I promise, do you need a ride home?”.
Finally finding my lungs I shout, “YES! Please! Yes! Anywhere but here.” To which Simon says, “She’ll be on the next Taxi pulling up, thank you for your concern Old Man.” I see the taxi, my escape from this monster, is now finally in sight, and I blurt out, “I really can’t stand you!” Simon replies swiftly, “then why are you still listening to me?”
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