Write a story about a plane journey, set in times when flights had just become commercially available.
You could choose to create an atmosphere of excitement, fear and trepidation, or anything else you can imagine early passengers would feel!
New Flight New Life
“Get off that contraption RIGHT NOW” to say my dad was concerned would be an understatement.
“I’ve already made up my mind and I’m already here, I’m just letting you know” he couldn’t drag me off if I tried. I’ve been searching for a sign to start a new life elsewhere so when I heard this plane thing is finally up and running, I found the first flight to anywhere and ran with it.
Come to think of it, I don’t even know where I’m going, I just packed my bags, bought my ticket and went straight to the plane.
“Excuse me, where is this flight headed?” I asked the nearest attendant
“Seattle, sweetie.” Well, that does it, I’m going to Seattle, wherever that is.
I was able to say bye to mom, but I never developed a close enough relationship with my dad to care about what he thinks- at least not since my folks separated.
But I’m here now. Come to think of it, this is out of this world- never seen anything like it. No point in being nervous, so I just anticipate what my life is going to look like in Seattle.
Some time went by before I got really light headed- except that wasn’t my head, that was the plan moving? Wild. What is this thing? By the time we got in the air, I thought my head was going to blow up. My ears popped and all I could think about was how much closer I was to my new life.
I can’t believe I’m doing this. But here I go.