The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes...
Use this sentence as the opening or closing line of a story.
The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes. She could see her hands, with blood dripping down. She could feel the wind blowing against her ripped t-shirt. And she had never been happier in her life. No longer was she bound by the twisted spell which clouded her vision. She was free. Hazel turned to her left and saw Jack in the corner, coughing and spitting up blood over his jacket. It seems he had been fighting a Gorge right until she broke the magic and turned them to dust. As soon as he met her eyes it was like the world around them crumbled to nothing more than that of the disintegrating monsters. He tilted his head at her, questioning if she was free of the curse. She nodded through tear stained eyes. His face twisted into a bright smile as he raced towards her, arms open for an embrace. She practically jumped into them and sobbed at the feel of his touch. No longer was she numb to the feeling. She felt everything. She felt his breath against the back of her neck. The heat radiating through his blood stained shirt. She felt his strong arms as they held her tightly, a silent promise never to let her go. She felt his chest heave up and down through muffled sobs. After moments had passed, he slowly pulled her away just enough to see her eyes. His hands still shaky from adrenaline as he pushed her hair behind her ear to look at her, his dimples shining. “You did it Haze.” He pulled her into his chest again as she whispered against his ear, “I can feel you Grey. I can feel you, I never want this feeling to go away again.”
“I know.”
“Promise me? Promise me you won’t leave me.”
“I promise. There is nothing left in this forsaken world that could pull me apart from you. I told you I would make sure we live long enough so you could see the stars… well, look up.”
Hazel looked up and gasped at the infinite stars, dancing through the night sky.
“Jack it’s… it’s more than I ever could have imagined.” She gasped through wide eyes.
“And tomorrow, we can see them again, and again, and again for eternity. Hazel even when we die we can watch them through heavens eyes.”
“Tomorrow. I like the sound of that.”
“Promise, Jack?”
“I promise Hazel.”