Sitting around a camp fire, your characters take it in turns to tell stories...
You could elaborate on one story, or write multiple short campfire stories from different characters in the scene.
Camp Fire Stories ( Week In The Country)
The third day passed by uneventfully; well mostly anyway until noon when we heard the sound of Brian’s old Jeep pulling into Shane’s driveway with AC/DC blaring from the car speakers.
The boys all had things they had to do before they could join us. Phil had a church function that his mother and stepfather made him help with, Jeff had to attend a choir concert of his little sister Rosie who had a solo in it so of course he had to be there for his baby sisters debut, and Forest had plans to go fishing with his father and Brian was their ride so of course he had to stay behind so that he could drive the others up.
The song Highway to Hell was drawing to a close and when it ended Brain shut off the car and the boys began to exit the vehicle and everyone came out into the yard to meet them.
“Hey Shane my brother from another mother what’s happening bro?” asked Brain as he bounded from the car over to Shane. Brian had meet Shane on a few occasions and they got on well when together.
“Not to much how about you?”
“So you going to introduce the new comers?” Shane asked
“Of course things would be really awkward if I didn’t.” Brian said making his way back over to the group along with Shane.
“Ok so he is Forest and he’s dating Hallie…” he said pointing at Forest “…and the guy with the purple dyed hair is Phil and he’s with Kelsey…” Brian continued pointing at Phil “…and then there’s Tracy’s boyfriend Jeff they are all pretty cool.” Brian concluded.
Jeff was currently standing next to Tracy showing her pictures of his sisters concert on his phone while Forest regaled Hallie with a story about his dad catching the biggest cat fish he had ever seen in his entire life while Phil complained that he thought the church charity
was never going to end and that he was happy he was finally away from all that and was now going to get to spend some time in the wilderness with his wonderful girlfriend. I laughed at how he described my cousins land as the wilderness, we weren’t in the middle of nowhere. I mean yeah ok we were out in the boons but there were still neighbors well one neighbor and yeah you had to walk down the road a little to get there but they were still there.
After all the introductions were made we all went inside because along with the photos that Jeff had taken he also had video footage of it. He hooked the camera up to his laptop and we squeezed together on the couch and a few of us on the floor including myself so we could all watch it. In all honesty it was quite a good performance for a bunch of 6 and 7 year olds and Rosie was perfect during her solo. I along with most of my friends were sorry to have missed the live performance. After watching the video the boys wanted to see the tree fort.
“I think I’m going to sit this one out.” said Draya not leaving her spot on the couch.
I look at at her suspiciously from my spot on the floor. I didn’t like the tone her voice took on at the mention of the tree fort.
“I think I will stay here too after all I’ve already been to the tree fort.” I said.
“You sure you love that old fort?” Tracy asked.
“Yeah Sare Bear last time you stayed there so long we were starting to think we were going to have to organize a search party if you and Draya didn’t make it back by dusk.” Hallie says.
“Like I said before I’ve already been there; maybe Draya and I will catch up with you guys there later, if you are still out there that is.” I said.
“Well okay if you’re sure?” Said Tracy.
“I am.” I assured her and with that they all left the house.
I got up from my place on the floor and went to kneel in front of Draya who had seemed to suddenly become fascinated with the floor boards. “Draya my angel please look at me.” I said using a gentle tone. Draya sighed then slowly raised her head to look at me. Her expression wasn’t happy but it wasn’t exactly sad either I couldn’t really tell what emotion she was feeling but what ever it was she was feeling I knew it wasn’t anything good. “Cuddles?” I asked.
Draya nodded so I settle myself at the end of the couch my back resting against the arm rest one leg bent with my foot on the floor my other leg stretched out straight against the back of the coach I hold my arms open and make a come here motion with my hands at Draya. She wastes no time in doing so wrapping her arms around my abdomen and tucking her head under my chin resting against me. I wrap my arms around her then swinging my leg that was hanging over the side of the coach over so that it was resting over her legs and then I put my other leg over her too crossing it with the first one at the ankles so they were wrapped around her. I feel Draya’s body relax as she snuggles against me and she lets out a contented sigh. We were silent for awhile I am the first to break the silence.
“She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!”
It’s the pome "She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron. I had decided to memorize it when Draya read it out loud from a book of poems she brought with her one late night. I had told her that if I was being particularly difficult about going to sleep she could read to me after all it always worked when I was a child. In reality it was more of an excuse to be able to fall asleep to the sound of her voice; it soothed me in a way that is hard for me to describe. After that she started to bring a book with her and when I heard that poem I made a mental note to look it up and memorize it in the morning because it made me think of her. Well the first verse did anyway, the rest of it I didn’t completely understand, but that doesn’t matter it was still a very pretty poem.
“That was absolutely lovely darling. That poem was written by Lord Byron if I’m not mistaken.”
“You’re correct. I like it, it makes me think of you.”
“He wrote it about his cousin’s wife.”
“Okay that makes it sound so less romantic like the dude had the hotts not only for a married woman but one that was married to his cousin.”
“Yes, well there were many things that were said about Lord Byron that were considered unsavory; especially for that time period.”
“Okay, so dude had issues.”
“Speaking of issues what’s yours?”
“What do you mean?”
“As soon as the tree fort was mentioned your whole demeanor changed.”
“You know why that is.”
“You’re still beating yourself up over it?”
“Draya I forgive you; already forgave you isn’t that enough?”
“I still don’t feel like I deserve it. I still can’t forgive myself.”
“You weren’t in control; you couldn’t think straight, you were starving yourself for crying out loud!”
“But it was still me that did it. I was still the one who hurt you and as much as I wish I could I can’t take back what I did to you.”
“You didn’t mean to though, and anyway it didn’t even hurt that much, it was more fear than anything and I’m not scared anymore either.”
“As if that makes any difference; as if it matters weather I meant to or not. I was going to kill you, if you hadn’t screamed I would have; don’t you get that?” She said pulling away from me.
“Yes and yet I don’t care I still forgive you I always will.”
“Princess, there is a part of me that is very much a monster and it is still very much alive and strong inside me what happens next time it gets out?”
I reach out and pull Draya back to me “There won’t be a next time.”
“How do you know? You can’t know that for sure.”
“I do know because I am going to take care of you and one of the ways I am going to do that is by making sure you take care of yourself even if that means I have to be your emergency blood bag.”
“Please don’t call your self that.”
“Why? It doesn’t bother me.”
“Well it bothers me, and anyway you mean more than that to me.”
“I know I do.” I say with a smile before continuing “Also I am going to be your rock, your anchor, your tether, I will always be here to pull you back from the edge all you have to do is let me by trusting me to keep you grounded.”
“I will always trust you my darling princess always.”
“Good as long as you keep holding on then I will never let go. I won’t let you fall.”
“How did I get so blessed to have someone as special as you to care about me?”
“That reminds me I do care about you and if you care about me like you say you do then you have to find a way to forgive yourself.”
“Darling I am so grateful to have someone who is so understanding and forgiving as you but what I did isn’t something that I can just forgive and forget.”
“Then don’t forget; forgiving yourself isn’t letting yourself off the hook necessarily it’s accepting and taking responsibility for what happened and then finding a way to move past it and get on with life instead of letting this thing eat away at you, you say you don’t want to hurt me but seeing you like this does hurt me far more than any physical injury could; when you are hurting I hurt twice as much.”
“I m sorry, you know hurting you is the last thing I want to do.”
“Don’t apologize, just forgive. Have some faith in me and forgive yourself my angel.”
“I’ll try.”
“Do or do not there is no try.” I said in my best Yoda impression it sucked but seems to do the trick because it made Draya laugh.
“Star wars geek.” she teased after she finished laughing
“You like the movies too.”
“Yeah well they give me an excuse for cuddles with you.” she said with a sigh.
“And you can never say no to the cuddles.”
“I might if you have something more enticing to offer.” her tone was both playful and seductive.
“Well it should be awhile before everyone gets back so I am sure something can be arranged.” I said mischievously.
She pulls away smiling at me “What do you have in mind?”
“I think it would be more fun if you use your imagination and we just sort of make things up as we go along.”
Her smile widens and we adjust our positions so that we are sitting up facing each other. I still have my legs wrapped around Draya’s waist and I am sitting in her lap. Draya cups my face and pulls me into a kiss my hands slip around her neck and tangle in her hair and I smile against Draya’s mouth. We kiss for a very long time breaking apart to take quick gasps of air before devouring each other’s mouths again then Draya kisses down my jaw and my neck as her hands went from cupping my face to unbuttoning my shirt and pushing it off my shoulders and placing kisses across my shoulders and collar bone and I am thoroughly enjoying this moment when…
“WE’RE BACK” my cousin’s voice boomed from the front of the house house.
“Crap, crap, crap!”
I muttered as I pulled away from Draya and was hastily trying to re-button my shirt but only got half way before my Friends had entered the room.
“Are we interrupting something?” Tracy said and had the decency to look embarrassed.
“Girlfriend was getting it on!” Raquel said while Brain wolf whistled behind her.
Hallie was laughing too hard to say anything at the moment but Kelsey was smirking at Draya and myself “You know Sarah if the two of you wanted some alone time you could have just said something.”
“Shut up all of you.” I said as I finished buttoning my shirt the rest of the way, thankful that the rest of the boys were still in the kitchen with Shane, it was bad enough that Brian was in the room my face was probably beat red. It didn’t take long before everyone was in the living room and what ever was going on between Draya and myself was seemingly forgotten. We had to figure out sleeping arrangements with the 4 extra people in the house. “I well there’s a full size bed in the guest room upstairs along with a hide a bed down here.” Shane said. Brian and Raquel offered to sleep on the hide a bed couch so Kelsey and Phil would sleep upstairs in the guest bedroom. After figuring out the sleeping arrangements everyone became engrossed in a halo tournament Draya and I retreated to the love seat against the wall on the right side of the room. Brian walked over to us fallowed by Hallie.
“Draya, Sarah sorry if I embarrassed you earlier when I whistled I didn’t mean anything by it and I didn’t see anything Raquel was in the way.” Brian said.
“I’m sorry too I probably shouldn’t have laughed.” Hallie apologized
“It’s alright Hallie I probably would’ve laughed too had our roles bed reversed.”
“What about me?!” Brian asked.
I thought about telling him ‘not yet’ but his eyes had that puppy dog look that I couldn’t resist and so said “Yeah ok fine you’re forgiven too.”
Brain beamed at me and I swear that boy was lucky he was cute.
As dusk fell Shane built a big fire in the fire pit and we roasted hot dogs and brats over the fire for dinner. We told ghost stories around the fire. Some were silly like bloody fingers and the green m&m, some were a little more creepy like the green ribbon and wax museum, and then there were classics like drip drip drip and knock knock knock. After Brian finished the knock knock knock story Raquel said “You are never leaving me alone in a car on a back road at night we will both stay and wait until morning!”
After that we laid down on some old blankets and looked at the stars again. Draya pointed out all the constellations she could find and telling the stories that went along with the the constellations. There was the Big and Little Dipper of course and others like Cassiopeia with its distinctive “W” shape formed by five bright stars “Cassiopeia is one of the most easily recognizable constellations in the northern night sky. The constellation is named after the vain queen Cassiopeia in Greek Mythology, wife of the King Cepheus of Aethiopia. As the legend goes, Cassiopeia boasted that she was more beautiful than the sea nymphs called the Nereids. Her claim angered Poseidon, god of the sea, who sent a sea monster called Cetus to destroy the kingdom. Cassiopeia’s daughter, Princess Andromeda, was left bound to a rock as prey for the monster, but she was rescued by Perseus the Hero whom she later married.”
Then she pointed out another constellation
“And Pegasus one of the most prominent constellations in the northern sky. It was named after a winged horse in Greek mythology. The brightest star in the constellation is Epsilon Pegasi, which forms the creature's nose.
Pegasus belonged to Poseidon, the god of the sea, earthquakes, and storms. In a battle between Perseus and Medusa, Perseus decapitated her and the winged horse “sprang” from her blood.
Pegasus was stolen by the Greek hero Bellerophon with the help of Athena and Poseidon. Pegasus allowed Bellerophon to ride him in order to defeat the monstrous Chimera. However, Bellerophon later fell from the creature’s back while trying to reach Mount Olympus. After some time, the riderless Pegasus reached Olympus and Zeus transformed him into the famous constellation. Pegasus was also known for bringing thunder and lightning to Zeus whenever he needed it.”
She then pointed out yet another constellation
“And of course who could forget The Orion constellation named after Orion the hunter in Greek mythology. Located on the celestial equator and made up of bright young blue giants or supergiants, it is one of the most prominent and recognizable constellations in the sky and can be seen throughout the world.
In mythology, Orion was a supernaturally gifted hunter who was the son of Poseidon. He proclaimed himself as the greatest hunter in the world. This angered Hera, the wife of Zeus, who had a scorpion kill him (this later became the constellation Scorpius). Out of compassion, Zeus put Orion into the sky.
Orion’s Belt includes the three most prominent stars in the constellation: Alnilam, Mintaka, and Alnitak. Betelgeuse, the second-brightest star in Orion, marks the right shoulder of the hunter, and Bellatrix serves as his left shoulder. The Orion Nebula acts as the middle “star” in Orion’s sword, which hangs off Orion's Belt. In the sky, Orion is posed fighting against Taurus the bull with a shield and club.”
After that she named all the zodiac signs when they can be seen and the stories about them I ended up falling asleep curled up next to her
I wake up a while later in the house. I suspect that Draya had carried me inside. I turn my head to see her sleeping soundly beside me. She looks so peaceful when asleep, she was laying on her back her hair splayed around her head her lips slightly parted as her chest steadily rises and falls with each breath that passes through her lips, she stirs and turns onto her side unfortunately with her back facing me but no matter. I snuggle up behind her and put my arms around her pulling her close, she sighs contentedly in her sleep. I smile close my eyes and fall back asleep holding my angel.
THE END story continues in story titled Another Ordinary Day ( Week In The Country)