Academic.. love?

Quickly scribbling down numbers on my homework, I don't even notice him approach until a smooth voice interrupts my thoughts.


I look up to see a boy with short, choppy hair and a long sweater on. He smiles, and I don't know why my chest tightens.

Maybe it's just anxiety?

"Uh.. hi?" I mumble, setting my pencil down.

"Sorry, I was just curious as to what you're working on. Is it math for Jenson's class?" he asks in that sweet voice. I swear when he speaks I get cavities.

"Yeah, why?" I watch him rummage in his handbag until he pulls out papers just like mine, albeit a little crumbled and messy.

"Would you be able to help me?" he asks, running a hand through his hair.

My eyes follow his hand and I don't even know why, but I say yes.

He sits down beside me, and I start explaining as best as I can.

He nods, and hours later he's half-asleep against the table.

I pack up my papers, standing up to leave; however, I pause.

His lips are slightly parted, and he's snoring.

It's... endearing, in a way.

There's that tightness in my chest again. What the hell is wrong with me?

I shake his shoulder gently.

"Wake up. Hey-" A sudden realization hits me:

I don't even know his name.

He opens his eyes groggily.

"Sorry.. I get tired a lot. Been feeling kinda tired lately. I hope I wasn't a burden.." he mumbles quickly.

My mouth opens, shutting again.

What do I say? I don't want him to think he was a burden. But would saying that be weird?

I just offer a smile that probably looks sarcastic.

"'s fine."

He stands up, and my eyes meet his.

It hits me that... he's standing close. Really close.

He's kinda cute..


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