Write a poem about something meaningful you were once told.

This could be a life lesson, a compliment, or a passing comment that stuck with you. Whatever it was, explore it in a poem.

Words For A Child

In the world of dreams and wonder,

Where innocence and love collide,

There lies a treasure, oh so tender,

The words we speak, a gentle guide.

"I love you," we whisper, soft and true,

With arms outstretched, we hold them tight,

Through every joy and challenge they go through,

Our love will guide them, day and night.

"You're special," we say, with gleaming eyes,

For each child holds a unique light,

A gift to share, a precious prize,

Their presence fills our world so bright.

"Believe in yourself," we cheer and proclaim,

With every step, they learn and grow,

Through failures and triumphs, they'll find their aim,

Their dreams will flourish, high and low.

"You're capable," we remind them each day,

With every hurdle, they'll find a way,

To rise above, to pave their own way,

Their strength and courage will never sway.

"Be kind," we teach, with gentle voice,

For love and compassion make the world rejoice,

With open hearts, they'll make a choice,

To spread kindness and make a difference.

"You matter," we assure, with utmost care,

Their thoughts and dreams, so precious and rare,

Their voice, their essence, beyond compare,

In this vast universe, they have a share.

So let us cherish these meaningful words,

And shower them upon the hearts we hold dear,

For in their souls, love's melody is heard,

A symphony of hope, year after year.

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