Desperately trying to fit in, your character agrees to go on an 'initiation night' with their peers, but the games and rituals start to get very realistic...
Continue the story. You could set this at a school/college, new workplace, sports club, etc.
A Little Game
I wanted to fit in, but I never thought it would lead to this. The games they started to play were getting far too dangerous for me. To be honest, I don’t believe the sorority would be worth the torture, but now I see the joy in it.
It started mild enough a game of chicken the last to move out of the way of the car on the highway was safe. I managed to pass this little initiation task, but a girl called Lisa was not as lucky.
And then there was six.
Next, they moved on to having us jump into the pool at the house. Sounds pretty standard right until you realize we were jumping from the roof. Two girls missed and hit the concrete; the girls said they would be fine, but I am not sure no one even called for help.
And then there was four.
After the pool, we moved into the house to play a game. We all had to drink different liquids that the other girls poured for us. I must have got lucky because Jessie was foaming from the mouth at the end.
My heart raced as I watched her twitch on the floor. Never before had I seen anything like this. They had poisoned her. No one moved to call for help, and I was too scared to even move.
And then there was three.
The last game involved a knife. I could hear the other girls running through the house. Their feet were loud; I knew I could not let them win because it meant I would lose my life.
The sound of footsteps stopped, and that was when I heard the blood-curdling scream. Lee must have caught mya.
I covered my ears, waiting for the screaming to stop. When it did, I gripped the knife in my right hand tighter and held my breath.
When she turned the corner, she was not ready as I drove the knife into her neck. She didn’t even have time to scream as she fell to the floor.
And then there was one.
It has been for years since that fateful night. I have to say I am thankful for my sisters. If it weren’t for them, I never would have come to realize my true calling. The killing is good; it’s the only way. So I only have one question for you: would you like to join us?