Submitted by Skye Wander
Write a poem about someone who never wants to stay in one place, and who wants to see the world.
See The World
She’s got too big a heart for any one place
She roams and runs, dances her sorrows away
For she is tethered, yet smiles adorn her face
As she declares, “I’ll see the world one day.”
She’s been dealt abuse, has trauma galore
And yet she whistles like she has not a care
She deserves joy, fulfilment, so much more
She dreams, of reality and setbacks unaware.
She had a box of stamps, and late at night
Never earlier, for her father might see
She scans them one by one, hoping she might
One day visit these places, laugh and be free.
Her mother’s howls, her father’s drunken yell
Tears chill her cheeks as she yanks them apart
He slaps her instead, and although this is hell
She believes this’ll go away, deep in her heart.
She finds her mother dangling from the fan
She tears her hair out, she’s had enough.
She grabs the stamps, cash, keys to the van
Runs out, to be stopped by a hand so rough.
She’s black, blue, bloody, in no time at all
And though broken, she grins the pain away
She coughs, and her voice, shattered and small
It breathes, “I think I’ll see the world today.”