Please, You Have To Believe Me

“I never meant for it to happen, Daisy. Please, you have to believe me.” Henry spluttered, reaching his arms out like a wounded animal almost as if to grasp onto what was left of me that still loved him. “Daisy, please. It’s not my fault, she came on to me. I promise.” He sounded desperate now, his pleading grey eyes, dull in comparison to the moonlight that shone above the empty field we were in. I didn’t trust myself to look at him. I avoided his heaving chest, his teary eyes. I didn’t hold his shaking hand or bother to comfort him as I had done so many times before. He had broken my heart that night and I no longer deemed it fixable. I knew it, he knew it, the twinkling stars and even the cautiously silent birds knew it. He had torn it away, still beating from within me and left me alone to sew it back in. He had ripped me apart and sulked off as if he had been the one hurt by this act of treachery.

I couldn’t bear it any longer, I had to leave, get out of there. Run as fast as I could in these painful shoes he so loved me in. “Don’t leave Daisy, let’s talk about this” I heard him whine, from somewhere behind me. I ignored him and continued walking away.

“Did you ever even love me Henry?” I yelled back, the words catching in my throat as if breaking free from lifelong entrapment.

“You never said it, not once. Not in the morning, not in the evening, not at any time that I can remember. Did you ever truly love me, or was I just another one of your play things, like Jesse or Taylor? Willing to do anything for you, only to receive nothing in return”

That had shut him up. No more empty words, just silence. Painstaking silence. Like a white flag I had dared to paint red, taunting the bull who would no-doubt tear me limb from limb.

The tears were running down my face now, falling on my summer dress like rain over sunflowers on a hot summer’s day. From somewhere behind me, I heard Henry stand up, getting ready to chase after what he thought was his by right.

He was behind me know and I froze, refusing to face him head on.

When we had first met, Henry had been the sweetest, the kindest and the funniest. Always smiling gleefully and joking around with ease. But those moments had soon passed and the sight of his copper hair had soon become something of a warning to me. Something to brace for impact against. Like an impending plane crash that passengers had already been notified would happen. In fact, the only reason I had agreed to going out tonight with him was the prelude to breaking up with him, once and for all.

But now was the moment I had chosen my poison, quick and out with it “Henry, we’re over”. But those were’t the words sharp, or sure of themselves. They were more of a pathetic whisper uttered by a weeping damsel. Luckily, it was loud enough for Henry to have heard it, and he turned me around to face him, sneering. “Is that so. You sure you don’t need a ride back, or are you going to walk back to the city. Who’s going to reassure you that you’re not the crazy one for punching Zoey in the nose? Because it won’t be me, Daisy, it won’t be me!” He was shouting now, yelling at me as spit flew all over my face. “Who’s going to treasure you Daisy, who’s going to laugh at the pathetic excuses you call your jokes, cause it won’t -“

He had stopped his tirade of abuse, and a look of disbelief had flooded his pale, miserable face. He looked down, his hand on the crimson red stain that had spread out across his stomach. He held one shaking hand on my trembling shoulder, the other on my bloodied, slender wrist and looked me in the eyes. “This is the last time you leave me, Henry. The last time I leave you. But no longer on your terms, Henry. This time, I get to decide.”

Henry crumpled to the floor, the blade sliding out from within him.

“I never meant for it to happen Henry. Please, you have to believe me.”

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