Its been twenty years sinceI walked out of these doors. Here I am about to walk back into these doors. Feeling the unknown is like the first day of high school. So as I take a deep breath I open these doors to see how much people has changed and to see who all has not changed. Then to see if popular kids now grown adult stilll act like children. I was not a popular kid in school. I just kept to myself and loved school so I guess I was a ‘nerd’. We all know every school had the cool kids and the groupies. Amanda was the Queen of all the girl’s who wanted to be popular. Her groupies were Lilly, Ashley and, Madison. They all were cheerleader of course Amanda was the captin. Then there football boyfriends that they thought one day they would marry. As i look around the room all the popular girls look married and miserable wiht kids and the footbal boys they married are beer drinking guys. My high school bestie who forgot about me our last year of school looks sad. So the best thing for me to do is to find the food and drink and stay away hopfully. Well that did not last long my high school crush walked up to me and did not even know who I was nor my name. Once I told him my name is yelled to the whole gym of all these people whom I did not want to speak to now are all in aw because I am a nurse with my two cats and had a glow up as everyone says. My crush Adam says damn your hot I am sorry about never knowing you in high school. Looks likes your doing amazing now probably better then all of us burnt out jocks. As the night when one it was better then high school this was all i had ever wish for was to just be noticed by anyone. Even my old best friend she walks up to me and apologizes to me about abandoning me our senior year. Beth my high school bestie asked if we can go for lunch and i said yes. My high school crush Adam asks me to dinner and my number this night was the best of my life everything I have always wanted. This for now twenty years later and better than it was twenty years ago. All best i decided to come tonight to the reunion.

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