
Submitted by Osupa

Write a story about someone who knows they’re in a story.

Consider whether the character is just finding out that they are in a story or if they know already. How does it affect them?

Pet the Dog Please?

In stories, the narrator tells the reader what will happen, then it does. So what happens if it doesn’t? What happens when the protagonist disobeys?

Sam was hurriedly packing her bag for school. She had slept in late this morning so was, understandable, stressed. Shoving a slice of toast in her mouth, she let out a muffled goodbye to her parents and began the march to school. What was the point on checking if the bus was there? It would be long gone by now. Sam seemed to be having an incredibly lucky day as it began to rain. Groaning, Sam came to the sudden realisation that, in her mad dash, she had left her umbrella. So, she tugged her hood closer over her head and did her best to ignore the rain.

Five minutes later, the rain had gotten heavier and began splattering against her head, giant drops of water splashing against the dirty pavement. Water seeped through the toes of her shoes, so much so that her feet began to weigh themselves down from the waterlogged shoes. It was safe to say that Sam was in a foul mood.

Trudging her way along, Sam noticed a large puddle on the side of the road, the water reflecting the late sunrise. It was almost beautiful, so undisturbed and peaceful. That was until a car drove through, soaking the scarce dry areas on Sam’s body. She cursed her rotten luck, contemplating why she didn’t ask her mum for a lift. Only an idiot would go out in this weather. That’s when she noticed another unfortunate soul traipsing through the puddles towards her. This man was walking a large German Shepard who’s fur was matted with water. The dog seemed to be having a whale of a time, jumping from puddle to puddle. The man, not so much. Sam reaches out to pet the dog...... *Ahem* Sam reaches out to pet the dog.



“You heard me. I said no!”

You can’t just say no! It’s the story!

“I can and I will. That dog is all muddy, I’m not petting it.”

But... the story!

“I’m sick of your ‘story’ bullshit. I want my own choices, none of your narrator shite.”

Fine then, Sam chose not to pet the dog.

Don’t you dare!


Get away from that dog!

Fucking hell Sam! To u can’t let me have one decent thing, can you?

“You’re one to talk, you’ve been controlling my life for years now. You know my thoughts before I do and tell me what I’m going to do before I do it. It’s weird. It’s weird to be sitting a test and then to hear ‘Sam was contemplating faking her own death to get out of chemistry’. It’s weird. You’re weird. I’m down with this. Bye!”

Sam was leaving the story because she’s a little bitch.

“Really? You wanna go fucker?”

Sam was threatening the voice in her head because she’s gone completely and utterly insane.

“Real classy.”

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