The Time Map

If you're reading this, don't go looking for me. I'm already gone. Like not dead, God I should have started with that! Sorry. Ok let's try this again.

If you're reading this, I'm somewhere you can't find. Not without a very special map. What makes this map special you ask? Hold on, I'll get to it. But before you go further I need you to think hard about this. Consider all of the risks. Right, the risks. Okay so, if you end up finding this map, and using it, you'll be in grave danger! Dark forces will hunt you down and try to capture you. But the map can keep you safe and help you escape to times where they'll never find you. That's right, I said times not places.

You still interested? I knew you were a little adventurous! Okay so the map. Any guesses on what its called? A Time Map. What? Yes, I'm being serious. It's just what's it called. No one knows where it came from, but what I can tell you is that using it is extremely dangerous. It can transport you to different times in history, so long as you travel to each destination and cross time portals. Pretty rad right?

I know it sounds like a lot of work, it kind of is I'm not gonna lie. Like when I figured it out I was like wouldn't it be much cooler if this was like a time machine where I can just hop in and travel to the future? But no! That would be too simple. Instead if I want to travel to the year 2307 for instance I'd have to visit the 3rd sector of Wisconsin near Kenosha, Wisconsin and cross the time portal there. And on top of that, once you cross it's not like you are in some badass Blade Runner cyber city in the year 2307. No, you're in Wisconsin in 2307. Doesn't look much different to be honest. Okay, so the rules here are simple. You watch Back To The Future? What really? Okay, when you finish reading this, go watch that and then come back. That's your first lesson. Alright so the map is actually with me. If you want to join me, I'll give you the map. I'm just hanging out at Randy's Donuts. The year is 2507. It's been remodeled a dozen times. Head to the dumpster out back. And when no one is looking, pour water behind the dumpster, and follow the stream of water to a nearby sewage drain. Remove the grate, oh and bring a poncho.

I'm kidding!! Jeez, just head to Randy's Donuts and I'll meet you in your time on June 16th 2022. You were actually gonna climb in that grate weren't you? This is gonna be so much fun, I can already tell.

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