Quite Often

She felt like this quite often. Being lifted to the heavens in a controlled and calm shaft of warm air. She didn’t know how, and didn’t know where she would end up, but she did know that it felt good . All her cares and fears were lifted, and her mind was free to wander in any direction it chose.

It happened very time she was able to let her mind wander freely, aimlessly and without shackles. It felt like she drifted into another realm, another world perhaps. She may even have drifted into another part of her own mind. One free of the daily life struggles that everyone has.

The place that most people would want to escape to, to shut out the drama of living, and the annoyance of the human race.

The world had become a rat race, an unpleasant piece of earth, on which we had no escape , unless you died. And even then there was the uncertainty of where you would end up. Heaven? Hell? Where was that even? Was it a figment of our imaginations, dreamt up by our religious fathers, and taken on by our minds in order to better deal with death as the end of our existence?

Either way, this was an escape, a necessary part of her being, it allowed her to deal with life on earth everyday, as she worked her way through uncertainty along with the billions of co conspirators she called the human race.

She noticed that she never seemed to reach another realm, whether in her mind or in another world. She felt that she undertook the journey, but never reached her destination. Perhaps her mind had not fashioned a destination that she could be comfortable with, or perhaps there wasn’t a world worthy of travelling to. In a sense she felt buoyed by the notion that the journey might have been her growth, her way of building a pathway to greater understanding and a greater sense of happiness.

What was it they said about it not being the reaching of the destination, but the significance of the journey...! Sometimes our minds are not yet ready or mature enough for the arrival, but they can be satisfied for the time being with the passage of time, in a new and unknown direction. Whatever it was, it was different, and enough to soothe the strain of living in an evermore uncertain world.

She had reached into her own consciousness and fashioned a journey which would be a solo undertaking designed to withstand the years of constant bombardment on earth, and open her mind to a different world, one where she controlled time and feeling, relationships and love.

The shaft of warm air was slowing, she felt gravity returning to her relaxed body. Her mind was becoming aware again of its earthly surroundings.

The light was fading and she felt herself gently become aware of the sounds of her own world again. She was back, until the next time.
