Submitted by Indigo

Write a scene that takes place in the snow.

The scene could be centered around the snow or just used as the setting.

First Snow

It was freezing. That was how I woke up on the fourth of December. It wasn’t unusual to wake up cold during the winter so I got excited. Quickly I turned on my light and opened the curtains

Snow mountains of it. The large flakes billowed from the gray sky glittering in the faint sun. Frost covered every window in the house I ran out of my room. Before my mom could speak I was getting into a coat and snow pants. Then out the door I went trying desperately not to slip on the thick layer of ice that had formed over the door mat. Once out of the house the fun began.

The kids in the neighborhood were also already outside running, sledding, building, and throwing snowballs. It was cold but none of us even noticed as we ran all around doing everything we possibly could in this sparkling wonderland. But to soon the sun started to set and the hills of snow glowed orange and we were called inside. The clothes left a puddle in the doorway but I didn’t care just like how I didn’t care how cold I was. Now it was time to plan for tomorrow.

Ask anyone they will tell you the first snow is always the best.

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