It Began As All Bad Days Do…

Self-loathing. Pity. Procrastination. Hollowness. Bullshit.

That’s what snowballs a day from bad to worse.

The tiredness of not wanting to start the day and deal with the crap waiting on my to-do list. The avoidance behaviour of staring into space or rolling back over into the part of the dream you want to hold onto.

The bad days are bad and are perpetuated by the guilt of not utilising the time you have.

‘I’m not doing enough, I need to do more. Work harder! Stop zoning out. The longer you leave it, the worse you will feel. Stop checking apps.’

The kind of bad days where it would be easier to sink into the nothingness than to get moving and find a focus.

All bad days start the same and yet we continue to find the courage to “keep moving forward”. To recognise the bad days and to work through it at our own pace. To even notice the really bad days where we feel like strangers to ourselves; like outsiders observing and know when to take time to practice self-care or heal.

We all have the bad days. Good days balance everything out.

What I’m trying to say is that today is my bad day and I am acknowledging it, but also not letting it control me.

Motivation and time to hit the books!

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