Darkness Cracks

Narrator: Long did I remember the battle of the cyber-planet Arachnae. The screams piercing your ears like a hot knife, the quakes from each and every step; but t, what I remember most was the darkness. We mercilessly flung ourselves our of the darkness and into the light and for what? We were too late.

"Soldiers!" Cried General Daygon, " tonight, we feast upon the flesh of our enemies, bathe in their blood, and secure victory for the faction!" A deafening roar filled the cave which we laid "Pathetic," I thought, "his worst one yet. Once again, the famed general wove a tale of lies. As I forced myself up and prepared for the next wave, I could only theorize how many new recruits would be dead by morning. "If only they knew what awaited them beyond these walls. As the impending conflict drew near, a familiar sense of dread washed over me. Paralyzed by fear, I froze for a moment. "Captain! A man is nothing out there without his helmet! Take one from one of the newbies, they won't last long anyways. " General Daygon sneered. "Why would we waste a good man's life over my own? They don’t know what’s out there, but I do!” I became overwhelmed; my fear was replaced abruptly with a seething white hot rage.

"If you're so decorated, why don’t you

go and fight?" The smirk from Daygon’s face quickly vanished and I regretted uttering a word. Time froze; each second felt like a lifetime. Finally, Daygon boomed, "If I had not sacrificed my...” Before he could finish speaking, a quake began to rumble, and all the bustling of preparation went silent. Boom, boom, it inched closer. Suddenly, a beam of green light burst through the wall. "We've been breached! Men, to your stations. " The general began to bark orders. "Not you Arthur, grab your knife and revolver. Let's hope you're not all bark," Before I could respond, I was thrust towards Daygon, bobbing and weaving towards the ever-enlarging crack.

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