Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
An Average Morning
I woke up to the sounds of kira and nolan shouting over their creative differences "that is so cliche and
not to mention the cheesiest thing I have ever heard!" Kira roared "well sorry you try coming up with a
complicated character arc" nolan yelled. As I filled in the morning chart I heard josephine yell "andrew
why is chicken little in my bed?!" "Her name is pepper and she likes you arent you a sweet little chicken
oh yes you are oh yes you are" " aww well I love her as well, especialy fried and served with biscuits
"aahh hugo the mermaids chasing me!" I walked down the hallway to see Jade banging the bathroom
door "hurry up Naomi there are other people who have to take a shower" "sorry got alot of dirt
behind my ears *ding* yes!" "Are you playing games on your cellphone?!" "You cant prove anything!"
I went to make some coffee while Zeporah and Jonah were making cookies oh boy this should be good
"youre adding to much chocolate chips its gonna be too sweet!" Jonah stated "ogwash, you can 'ever
ave oo much oclote chips" she declared in her thick scottish accent "give me it!"
" 'Ever!" As the two
tugged the bag jonah accidently knocked over the flour just as the bag chocolate chips burst all
over Zeporah making her look like a dotted ghost "you...look...ridiculous" he laughed to be honest if I wasnt so scared that Zeporah might turn me into a Hugokebob I might have laughed too. "Hhm youre
ight I oo ook 'diculus, oh and so do you" what do you-" but he didn't get to finish cause Zeporah
poured a cup of flour over him "oh it is on" and they chased each other throwing several cookie ingredients at each other. Yup just an average morning.