
“I was listening.” I lie, although it’s obvious I didn’t hear a word she said. How could I? The thoughts of everyone around us are flickering through my mind. It’s like turning a page in a book except the book is a different one every second and you have no clue what’s happening because you never get past the first page.

“What did I say?” She asks.

Ha, got me. “Okay, I’m sorry. Tell me again.”

She rolls her eyes and starts to talk again. “So, the cashier at that store we just left was looking at me weird, so I said “What?” and he said ——“

I stop listening to her, not by choice, but because of the thoughts of someone else’s’. Almost like they’re speaking to directly. It’s never happened this way before.

“So, I rung this girl up and she had an attitude with me. She said “What?” and I was like “What?” Then she rolled her eyes and —“

I can’t listen to the both of them at once. Their words mush together and give me brain fog. It makes it feel like I’ve worked a 24 hour shift and haven’t slept in three days.

“Cassian? Are you not listening?” Mary asks.



“Then she had the nerve to throw the money—“

“Sorry, I am.”

“You are what?”


Mary groans and crosses her arms. I want to apologize but I just can’t.

“So the guy handed me my change, but purposely dropped it so I had to pick it up. I was furious.”

“Did this girl not learn “treat others how you want to he treated”? Because, personally, I stick by that. And—“

“Just know that I don’t take rude well.”

This is my final straw. I can’t take it anymore. “Okay! Bye!” I shout before running away.

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