In a fantasy world, your character is sent to a wilderness camp for troubled teens.

Me, Magic, and Mayhem

Look. It’s not _my _fault I’m prone to trouble. Well, maybe it is, but that’s no reason to send me off to a summer camp for “troubled teens”. Everyone here’s either emo or just plain weird. Their magic style reflects it too. Your wings reflect your personality. Mine are - and I quote - Mischievous Green. Fitting, huh? Most of the weird kids’ wings are orange, and you can probably guess the emo kids’ color(s). You’d think I’d stand out, but thanks to my ability (and in part a genetic mutation), I can make any part (or parts) of me invisible. This helps in my “mischief”. I naturally blend into the environment with my soil colored hair and tanned skin, but the invisibility helps. A lot.

The biggest heist I’ve ever pulled off was three weeks ago. It’s what got me sent to this stupid place. But some context is required first.

As you get older, your wings grow larger. Once you turn 16, you get a wand. There are five types, one for each class. Most kids choose the same class as their parents. Each class has different standards. The first class, the Freeflys, have few rules, but the social expectation is high. If you act out, instead of being punished you’ll be publicly shamed and judged, which is arguably worse. The second class is the Bluefoxes. They’re sneaky and swift. Mischief is their middle name. They don’t get sent to summer camps from behvior. Alas, I’m only 13. Anyway, the third class is the Royowls. As the name suggests, they are regal, sophisticated, and super boring. The fourth class is the Starkwolves. They’re your ordinary people, much like humans. They don’t use much magic, and live their lives pretty, well, normally. The fifth class is the Alphas. They rule the country. Sadly, you can’t join them. It’s only secrecy and a dynasty. Boo hoo.

Back to the story. As I mentioned, when you turn 16, you get a wand. What I didn’t mention was the Alphas have a very special, rare wand made of Ampherite. It’s the strongest material, yet weightless. It can also only be found in the woods, made of goat feces (gross) that had gone through a special process courtesy of the Forest Elves. The wand giver is called the Mangi, conveniently a part of the Alphas. It just so happened that my sister was turning 16 and I had just learned about Ampherite in school. As any good mannered and curious child would do, I developed a plan. A genious plan, if I do say so myself. During the ceremony I would go invisible, creep along the walls and wait. Then, I would walk up behind the Mangi and snatch his wand. I would give it back soon enough. I’d just keep it long enough to feel Ampherite, the rarest material in Falka. Did I mention I live in Falka? Anyway my plan went horribly wrong.

When I was really little, my sister got all the attention. Straight A’s, good at sports, all of that stuff. I wasn’t as good in school, but I was still really bright. I devised a plan to get even a little bit of the spotlight. And it worked. Slowly, my little pink wings began turning Mischievous Green. Yet my parents didn’t even notice. That’s when I devised my greatest heist. It was about the Ampherite, but a little part of me still did it to be recognized. The camp was sort of a victory, no matter how torturous and boring it was.

As I crept along the walls, a bit of pollen fell on my nose from the trees above. My one weakness, I thought, allergies. I fought the inevitable sneeze with everything in me. I sneezed quietly. My invisibility flickered, but no one saw. I was safe. I looked around me, the big church built of marbled gold and Iron Pyrite. The grand pillars were carefully sculpted from marble. The floor was silver, with a deep, red carpet leading to the stage. The ceiling had a gaping hole in the center of it, allowing the warm air to enter. All was calm, until I arrived. I continued to inch along the wall, and my parents still hadn’t noticed I was next to them. I became weary from keeping the invisibility on for so long. As I reached the stage, I could feel the invisibility slowly weakening. The Mangi was right there. My legs weary, I crept across the stage. I snuck up behind him and froze.

“It appears we have a troublemaker in our midst.”

He looked directly at me, and winked. He whispered, “Us Mangi are immune to powers. I could see you the whole time. Also, bless you.”

I blushed, and slowly crept off the stage, but he grabbed my leather jacket.

“No, young lady, you aren’t going anywhere. The only place you will be going is Camp Ghard.”

And that’s the terrific and underwhelming story of how I got here. Surprise! Now, I’m going to go plan my escape from this prison. See you later!

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