Bad Santa Part 1: The Findings

The cookies are out on the table and the milk is in the Christmas cup. Our kids are all nicely tucked into bed. So my wife grabs her wine glass and I grab my beer and we head to the living room to finish the Hallmark movie we started. It was actually pretty good, I enjoy the storyline. Sometime during the movie we ended up falling asleep cause here I am waking up with a crink in my neck. I get up and stretch while my eyes adjust to the dark. As I go to reach for my wife to carry her up to bed I notice she's gone. Confused, I head upstairs to see if maybe she had gone to bed and just didn't want to wake me. When I reach the landing I step in something wet, the dog must've peed in the house again. I peek my head into the kids rooms as I pass by and they're all sprawled out on their beds, which makes me laugh at what goofballs they are. All of a sudden this weird smell hits me like a freight train and I stumble back a little bit. I can't quite make it out, so I just shrug and make my way to the bathroom. After I take care of business I finally reach our room. I open the door, climb into bed, and snuggle up to my wife. She's freezing cold so I wrap the extra blanket around her and hold her tight as I fall asleep.

I wake up to find my wife still in bed, the sun is blaring in, and the clock reads 11 am! I jump out of bed and take the covers with me. I spin around to wake up my wife when I realize why she hasn't woken up. I scream, yes like a little baby, and run over to her while grabbing her into my arms. My beautiful wife's face had slashes across it like someone was trying to play X marks the spot. I sit there and cry for a minute before I remember the kids. Jumping up and grabbing my phone, I call 911 and run to the kids room. I slam the door open and find my kids chests both marked the same way my wife's face was. This can't be happening to me. Why would someone do this. My mind is racing as the 911 operator begins the usual line of questioning. All I manage to get out was, "Please you have to help me find who did this to my family."

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