
Ugh this guy.

As soon as I saw him straggle through my doors I realised there was no way I would be able to finish that novel I was reading,

Such a shame too; it was just getting interesting.

I raised my eyebrows as the man continued to slam his bloodied hand on the counter, flecks of blood sprayed like a flock of crimson birds.

“Can I help you?”

The guy answered me with a glare and air seething through his teeth, his heavy breathing was really beginning to irritate me.

“There’s ... something out there...”

As he grunted the words , his back hunched over as he began to retch , violent heaving shook his sturdy frame.

I got up and walked over, lethargy weighed down my movement like lead chains. Sighing deeply, I did the deadbolt on the door and turned back to my new friend.

“Which one was it then, the faceless children or the massive ghost serpent?”

The guy scrunched his face up as he answered,

“What the hell?”

“No not hell. What is it with you people and thinking everything comes from the land down under?”

Seriously, always with the demons though.

“Land down under ? Australia?”

This guy was a real piece of work now,

“Australia, wha-. No the fire place , ah screw it nevermind”

The shop floor was bathed in an ever expanding pool of blood and a suffocating silence,

“Soo, you a detective something; of the hard boiled variety?”

“Y-yeah, how’d you know ?”

I mean it was obvious, he had a rugged exterior, stained shirt hanging out half way with the top button undone; real gruff type, these ones always get old quick.

I flittered my eyes over him , eventually I spotted what I was looking for, two identical shaped triangular shaped wounds.

“Ahh, so it was the serpent! That bastard, I fed him yesterday.”

Again, mr detective man shot a inquisitive look- always with the questions god damn it; it’s not as if it’s your job... wait.

“Well I guess we got a ‘demon’ to sort out then eh?”


I really hoped I bookmarked that novel.

I should probably give some background here. I work at this shanty little shop in the centre of town, place isn’t your regular off-licence though. Place is chock FULL of weird shit; my personal favourite is the monkey head which winks at any female within three meters distance, but! The bracelet which severs hands at the wrists is close second; it’s given me a lovely collection of shoplifters hands.

I didn’t always work here; well obviously I wasn’t working here since birth, that’s how any job works.

I used have a real nice spot just outside the shop; some people may say I was homeless but I consider it a gap year.

But anyhow, the shop certainly pays better than being a ghost hunter; yet; I find myself dealing with the supernatural more than ever.

Case in point, our little snake friend who had been misbehaving lately.
