
“Ma’am are you okay?” Carey chuckled at the question. She was covered in blood and had a nasty gash at her left temple. But “okay” was subjective at this point, after They had arrived. No one was certain from where They came, either another planet, another dimension, it didn’t matter. The outcome was the same. Fight or die.

“I’m fine,” Carey remarked. In truth, she fought off a few of Them on her way here, They had leapt from a tree and clawed her face. But she had prevailed. She left their bodies on the road. Either some of the roving wild dogs, or more of Their kind, would dispose of them. “I just need these,” she indicated the small pile of goods on the counter.

“You’re covered in blood,” the young man commented. “Yes, yes I am.” Carey didn’t offer any more information. “Okay then, it’ll $15.45. Are you should you don’t need any help?”

“Nah, just these supplies, thank you.” He looked at her purchases, Twinkies, Surge Cola, Bowie knife. Standard purchases these days. Carey handed the cashier the money, and went to put her goodies in her rucksack.

“You know, I get off shift in an hour, if you need anyone to protect you on your walk home,” the cashier said sheepishly. Are you kidding? Carey thought. Hitting on me, when I am covered in blood? When all this shut is going on? “No, I can quite handle myself. But be careful, I took out three of Them on my way here.”

“Them?” The cashier didn’t seem all that bright, and this question confirmed it,

“Um, yes, you know, the creatures that invaded? Three legs, four arms, vicious? They took out out infrastructure a few months ago, killed thousands?”

“Oh, I missed that. I was playing Fortnight.” “You were playing a game? You missed the invasio—you know what? Never mind. I’ll be off. Stay safe.”

“We can play Fortnight together,” the cashier waggled his unibrow.

Carey stormed out, ignoring this last comment. She hit the road again, on her own, ready for what may come her way.

A mile away from the store and its idiot cashier, she sat by a tree. Eating a Twinkie and guzzling some soda, she examined her new knife. It would server her well in the months to come. She spared a thought for the cashier. He was an idiot, but he was kind. Pity They wouldn’t care. Perhaps his ignorance would be his bliss. Well, there was nothing she could do for him. It was everyone for themselves in this new world.

She climbed the tree, belted herself in, and feel asleep.

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