Write a story depicting two characters who both adore and despise each other.
Utilise the binary ideas of love and hate, and consider how they apply to your characters.
Somewhere In The Middle
We stood there, facing each other. I could count the freckles on her face. Her eyes held a hint of hatred, but her lips were upturned. I was sure my expression was similar, if not exactly the same, and to my great surprise, I didn't mind. I smiled unabashedly at the girl who had ruined my life and I didn't mind. Worse, I wasn't even drunk. I should want to kill her. Torture her. But I didn't. At least not now. Tears glistened in her eyes and, to my own horror, all I wanted to do was hug her. But if I did, I'd lose my position. And my respect. Normally I would care, but the last few months had been far from normal. And so, ignoring the inescapable feeling of embarrassment, I wrapped my bloody arms around her and pulled her close.