Create a scene that starts 'in medias res'.
In medias res is Latin for “in the midst of”. It is a literary tool used at the beginning of a narrative to put the reader right in the middle of the action or plot.
Rain pattered on the concrete. Shoes pounded on the sidewalk splattering water on the purely white sneakers. Wailing behind were the terrible cry of the alarms from the police station down the block. Voices yelled off in the distance yelling for her to turn around. Anna tightened the strings of her hood, pulled her hair further under her boyfriend's jacket, and rushed into an alley. Tears streaked down her cheek along with smeared mascara and along a heart of frustration. She choked up tears and whirled around the next bend. A gentleman in a top hat heading out of a restaurant bumped into her on his way to his car.
"My sincerest apologizes, my dear," the gentleman helped her to her feet and picked on a glimmering gold necklace that fell out of her pocket, "That is a beautiful piece of jewelry probably want to keep it in a safe place."
Anna ripped it out of his hands and shoved it in her pocket. She hurried down the street, slipping into another alley as a police car rolled by. Leaving the alley, Anna headed into the neighborhood behind the shops and restaurants on Main Street. Her boyfriend's sweatshirt was soaked by the time she reached his door. She pounded on his front door. Miraculously, Jacob was the one to open it. Anna dashed inside and closed the door behind her, placing her back against the door. He looked up at her stunned and concerned and raised an eyebrow as he noticed she wore his sweatshirt.
"How did you..."
"I know you're innocent, but, if you don't leave with me right now, you will be arrested!"
"Arrested? What for?!"
"Questions later. Let's go!"
Anna dragged him out the door and lead him toward the woods. Until they could prove his innocence, they were now fugitives.