Well-Known Secrets
Compose a poem with this title in mind.
Parasite; Well-known
Ignore the one that whimpers
With obnoxious plea
For something better
And something worse.
In these moments
Of sundered greed
They surrender themselves
To the arms of devaluation.
They pay the meagre fee
In hopes of dividend return,
Alas, ‘tis not so,
For they do naught in good will.
At first it seems that
They have played fair,
And succeeded in
Retrieving and receiving something for so little work.
Though they ought to beware
For they will soon be ousted and
Shamed by their group
Who will grow wise to their pandering ways.
So, when the one
Is in honest need
Their group will pay no heed-
Thrice tricked, twice the fool.
Lessons are learnt
And dues will be paid,
Debts will be collected…
Perhaps the one will come to terms…
With what they have done,
Or rather: not done.
Ultimately, ‘twas not the group
That was hurt,
But they- the one- that will
Be made to suffer.
It is not secret:
One must never deceive their protector’s trust,
Lest they are able to bare
The punishment bestowed upon them.