
Once Corin told Romingo to wait outside he followed Blackar into what was supposed to be a living room but the ripped wine-stained couches had mice crawling out of them bottles laid everywhere across the floor

“Do you want to sit your majesty?” Blackar said in a croggy voice he tried doing a mocking bow but when he caught Koh’s red eye he abandoned the thought halfway through doing an awkward lean and ended up knocking over his lamp which shattered to the floor with a thud “meant to do that, heh.”

“Mr. Blackar.” corin stated firmly

Blackar flinched “yes?”

“The information.”

“Right… what do ya want to know?.”

“A young girl was murdered in the Crooked Alleyway. We have a lead that a Bounty Hunter saw the attack we need your help finding him.”

Blacker kept glancing in the out the bay window he suddenly regained his composure

“I don’t know anyone Bounty Hunter in this part.”

Koh was losing his patience he stepped forward, Blackar stepped backwards almost tripping over the couch

“We don’t have all day I know your hiding something so, either you tell us or I will drag the person out of your kitchen closet and make them tell us.”

“Damn your cursed Red eye.” Blackar said irritably

Suddenly loud shouts filled the outside

Corin turned to rush towards the door to check on Romingo

“What was that?”

Blackar stepped infront of Corin back to the door

“It’s nothing people get mugged in the streets all the time!.” Blackar said

“I know who the Bounty Hunter is.”

Blackar said hoping Corin would follow back to the living room and he did he couldn’t believe his luck

“Who is the Bounty Hunter?” Corin said following Blackar

Romingo could handle a low life thief so he put checking on him out of his mind for now at least

“Hesss a guyyyy named….. Jet he lives in WestSide Bar acrosss town.”

Suddenly a howl pierced their conversation

“Romingo!.” Corin said as he rushed to the door again but was cut of by Blackar

“Jet dosnt like visitors it’s best to go at night you can wait here if you want.”

“Mr. Blackar my bodyguard is in danger I need to help him.”

“We have a lot of dogs in the neighborhood that howl at this time of night.”

“It’s day actually.” Corin said raising his eyebrows quizzically

“ isn’t your bodyguard a quiet fellow??.”

Blackar replied

“Not unless something is wrong.”

“There’s a alleyway that you came through that are full of wolfbanes.”

“Oh would you look at that it’s closing time for the WestSide bar don’t want to miss Jet here go out the kitchen door.” Blackar rambled

“Your still a traitor Blackar.” Koh said menacingly

“I didn’t want to go to your bondfire ok? I’m a busy man.”

“Yea drinking yourself to death maybe.”

While they bickered Corin tried to get past them to get back to the door but there was no other way past without making it obvious

Then he felt a searing pain not from the corrupt staff. But from the searing brand mark on his right forearm.

“That’s enough bickering both of you.” corin said sternly in his cold voice

“Koh we are leaving Let go.” and with that corin walked to the front door when he opened it he was expecting to see Romingo standing guard but he was gone all that was left was his sword on the ground and some blood

“Romingo!.” corin called out


“We shouldn't have left him out here by himself. Koh, can you see him?” corin said

Koh’s laser eye could see through walls and looked all over the alleyway even the alley they took before Blackars house

It outlined human bodies with a red outline

Wolfbanes where blue

“I can't see him, boss, too many wolfbanes in the street.”

Corin clenched his staff feeling the rage and ancient death mage magic flowing through his corrupted hand

“We will find him,.” corin said almost sadly

“But right now we need to find the girl’s murderer. Let's go talk to Jet.” and with that Koh led corin deeper into the heart of Saria’s underground

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