
Sand. It was everywhere. From the light fixtures in the ceiling to making up a new layer of floor.

A year ago Myra had fled this town, this house, and everything she knew with her mother and sister. Now, finally it was safe enough to return. Her mother had died, and Amara was still filled with pain, so here Myra stood. Back in her old living room as she had the previous year, blissfully unaware it would be her last time for a while.

She wished she had her family with her, but she knew it would kill them to see the house in such a state. She brushed the sand off the old dining room table, seeing the old mosaic tiles she had placed with Amara so long ago. Her hand was speckled with remaining sand, and she surveyed the rest of the small house, walking where she could. It wasn’t much of a sight to see, especially with all the sand. As she stood in the quiet of those four walls, with only the gentle whistle of the wind, a sudden calm washed over her.

Yes, this was where she’d spent her whole childhood, but now she was glad to get the closure she so desperately needed. This was a new chapter of her life. She couldn’t return to this house the same person, and though she’d dreamt of returning for so long…

She was okay now.

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