Change Of Plans

Trevor opened the door of the port-a-loo and stoped down into the mud. His walking boots squelched into the thick sloppy mud that covered most of the site. He looked up as the next festival goer rushed past him to get into the toilet he just vacated. They looked a bit green behind the gills, he was glad they hadn’t made it there before him.

He trudged off towards where he’d left his group of friends, a wet smacking noise punctuating each step as he tramped across the now boggy field.

He’d not been that keen on attending the festival, but Tony had talked him into it and he guessed he could see why. Being here was unlike anywhere else, he felt completely separated from all the stresses and worries of home. However, it was also exhausting and he didn’t even really like most of the bands on.

Sliding round a group of rowdy women he reached the spot where he’d last seen everyone. They were gone. Cigarette packets and a couple of cider cans on the floor told him he was probably in the right spot. They must have headed towards the next band they wanted to see without waiting for him, idiots.

He stop with his hand is to his face to shield his eyes from the sun and scanned the horizon. He couldn’t see them, though in this mass of humanity that was not surprising. He was about to head towards the main stage, then changed his mind. He finally had some time to do what he wanted, why should he waste that seeing another drab Indy band. He turned on his heel and headed back pay the toilets in the direction of the film tents and food area.

Approaching the largest of the film tents he saw a group of people heading in. It appeared he’d arrived just at the right time. He followed them in and glanced at the film schedule as he entered the tent. ‘The lake witch’ read the title, he almost turned back, horror was not his thing. Better than being stuck out in this sun though, so he carried on in and sat down on a king bench at the back. Next to him sat a woman in tie-dye clothes with dreadlocks and small Jewell’s stuck to her forehead.

He settled down to watch the film. It started in a dark Misty woods, the music ominous and grating. He rolled his eyes, standard horror film fare. He allowed himself to lean back against the crate the bench was in front of and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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