Winter Friendship

Death all around! And by death I mean trees, leaves, nothingness…only the cold is here to embrace it all.

The city is shrouded in the white powdery ice crystals of winter. A city that knows not it’s self very well.

Deep within the city’s congested concrete jungle, stands a bridge. This isn’t a bridge of the ordinary. No…this is a bridge that has been built to create an unlikely friendship between two worlds that this city harbors. Two worlds that are kept in two buildings; connected by this one bridge!

In one building, lives the Sun People. They spend a lot of time outside on the hottest of days and reap the enjoyment that the sun provides. They are a vibrant and influential group of people who are free spirited, expressive, and joyful! However, during the winter, they shelter themselves from everyone. They believe the sun was stolen from them in order to keep them under control. Their sadness and anger grows during every winter. As these dark emotions fester within them, their finger points to the other building that the bridge connects to.

The Sun People blame…the Harvest People for their lack of sunshine and rainbows. For the Harvest People engorge themselves with the plentiful food that they accumulated over time; consuming every piece of the harvest until they’re fat enough to feel…happy.

The Harvest People are a well educated people, hyper intelligent, and cunning…but they are never happy. They are only hungry for more of this, more of that, more, more, and more…but they never get to meet or be greeted by the idea called happiness…until, quite possibly and hopefully, today. But for the longest time, the Harvest People have been very jealous of the Sun People’s joyful living. Again, let’s hope for the best today.

Today, is the opening of the bridge known as Winter’s Bridge. It is built in the hopes of strengthening ties between the Sun People and the Harvest People, so that this may birth a peaceful beginning. Can the Sun People receive the same benefits and education that the Harvest People receive? And can the Harvest People receive the same joy and learn openness as the Sun People?

Well…they have a bridge. They just need one person from each building to cross it to find out.

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