Subitted by Lexie Grenville

If he wasn't going to love me, he wasn't going to love anyone.

Write a story which starts or ends with this line.

Why Not Me?

If he wasn’t going to love me, he wasn’t going to love anyone.

That’s what I have to tell myself to justify how much of myself I gave this man. So much of me for him to tell me he needed space to figure out what it was he truly wanted.

If he wasn’t going to love me, he wasn’t going to love anyone.

I have to keep repeating that to myself otherwise, I don’t think I can will myself out of bed in the morning. There are only so many affirmations that I can repeat to myself before I face the cold truth that maybe it is me.

But that’s a truth for another day. Today my truth is, if he wasn’t going to love me, he wasn’t going to love anyone.

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