You think you know someone...

“You look like....” he said slowly.

Half an hour earlier he had been driving along the motorway, thinking about the meeting he had just been to. It had been crap and bollocks, and he was feeling so frustrated.

“Shit on stick” he bellowed to no one and bashed the steering wheel a couple of times. How was he going to build this damn business if nobody was interested. Then the usual happened, he started to doubt that he could build the business at all because he was no good. If he was a different person he would be relaxed in these meetings and people would like him and would jump at the chance at using his product. But no, he was boring and he stammered and he couldn’t make people laugh, and probably the actually product, the thing that he had spent years developing, was rubbish as well.

His phone rang. He saw it was Chloe, obviously wanting to find out how it went. How was he going to tell her again that it’s a no no. He took a deep breath and pressed the green phone symbol.

“Hi” he said. As he just heard her start to speak, he was suddenly aware of an almighty roar and screeching of brakes. He felt the car start to lift in the air and then nothing.

When he opened his eyes it was dark and the air was filled with smoke. He also felt weird. He could faintly hear a crackling close by. He suddenly realised that the car was on fire and he was upside down. Shouts were coming from nearby and he could hear his name being called.

“I’m here” he yelled.

“Ok, Jack. We need to get you out of there but it may take a while so keep calm as much as you can. Do you hurt anywhere?” the voice said.

“I don’t think so” he said “I have a bit of a headache”.

“I bet you do. So we are working on.....what is that?” the guy suddenly seemed to move away. He could hear raised voices from all angles now but couldn’t work out what they were saying. A deafening sound of ripping metal filled the car and he could suddenly see daylight again. He looked to his left and saw a massive lorry land on the tarmac about 5 metres away. To his right he just saw a pair of female legs standing just outside the car and felt a mighty gust of air and the crackling stopped. Two arms that must belong to the legs reached in and very gently drew him through the window.

As he was came out he noticed a crowd of people, mostly firefighters and paramedics, standing around gawping at whoever’s arms he was now being held in. He turned to face his rescuer. She was wearing a full face mask with only her eyes showing. He started to say thanks when he stopped.

“You look like....” he said slowly and shook his head a little. “Chloe?” he asked feeling ridiculous for even thinking this.

“Hi honey” answered his wife.

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