Connected. Separated. Gleeful.

Write a story of no more than 10 sentences that incorporates these three words in a natural way.

Fool Me Twice

The distance between them had always created a physical barrier, but it was never an obstacle so unbearable. Yet, the emotional impact of remaining separated took a toll on each of them. There had been a time when things seemed easier, despite how short-lived the relationship. A year can feel like an eternity, but with these two it was the fastest one of their lives. Time did not exist when they were connected. So the actual span of time they spent committed to one another was gone in the blink of an eye. However, once again he returned and they were speaking to one another after five years with such a certainty that they were about to reunite. He again promised the world and that no matter what, he was there to stay and ready to be the man she could spend the rest of her life. She once again became so gleeful and full of such hope, unknowingly naive to the harsh reality of the entire situation. His convincing declarations had never once been backed by actions at all.

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