“That was the only lesson she ever needed to learn.”

Write a poem about anything you wish, but end with the line provided.

A Thorny Rose

Their eyes were warm like honey,

She always thought this true.

Their voice like was a sweet, warm spring,

Tearing into you.

I hope she sees what I saw,

Since the first time they spoke.

Though their voice is so soft and sweet,

Their words are all a joke.

They used their eyes to tear her down,

With their hazy, lemony gaze.

They used her, abused her, for the fun,

For months upon weeks upon days.

She used to let them do this,

Her heart was always swayed.

But soon enough she realised,

How much this made her pained.

Now she’s cut them out forever,

they’re no longer a concern.

And I know that that’s the only lesson,

She ever needed to learn.

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