Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.
It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.
Dry Martini
Toni woke up to sun beaming through the window big soft pillows littered the bed and a fluffy white duvet. She couldn’t remember the last time she slept so sound. Waking up and seeing the most beautiful baby blue sky and billows of the whitest clouds, sunbeams making her normally mahogany hair shades of honey. It was something out of a movie.
The only problem was Toni does not recognize this window, or these pillows. “Where am I?” She sat up to survey the room for any sign of familiarity. “There’s my shoes… where are my clothes?” She thinks to herself.
She’s pulls the covers off and heads to the bathroom she finds a man’s clothes khaki trouser pants, a black leather belt, and a striped button up short sleeve shirt.
Toni throws on the shirt she takes the pants and decides to put them on too just as she’s doing that she discovers her legs are covered in scrapes and mud. “What the fuck?” She whispers to herself eyes wide with concern she grazed her thumb over a cut on her knee that makes her wince.
She takes the shirt off and decides to hop in the shower. She’s covered in dirt and while she’s washing her hair she feels a large bump on her head with a small cut. She’s starting to get really freaked out but she’s in what can only be described as the most beautiful hotel room she’s seen. Whatever happened she managed to get herself here with some help of course.. “but who’s?”
She hops out of the shower and slips the shirt back on this time getting the pants on. She looks in the mirror she does not recognize these clothes.
“Who is this guy?”
Toni thinks to herself turning in the mirror to check out her butt in the trousers, she might look like a time traveling Miami drug dealer but they’re the only clothes in the room and she’s just happy to be dressed.
Now that she’s dressed and feeling less exposed she can try to figure out how she got here. She’s rather disoriented she’s not sure if that’s from the bump on her head or something more illegal. The last thing she remembered was ordering a dry martini she’s never had one before but she’s heard people order them that way. “So I was at Finn McGees… waiting for Beth? Yeah. Beth.. I checked my phone. MY PHONE!! Where is my phone?”
Toni starts tearing the room apart looking for her phone. Throwing pillows on the floor and opening drawers, she gets to the drawer in the night stand and what she finds makes her nervous. “A gun?” She picks it up carefully examining it just as she’s doing that the door handle turns and in walks a man, she startles dropping the gun.
Toni yelps and ducks throwing her arms over her head in an effort to protect herself. “Fuck!” The man yells. She sits up… She sees the man he’s bleeding. Toni rushed over to him, “oh my God I’m so sorry!!” says panicked “are you okay? Where did I get you?” He sits up “it’s okay I’m okay it’s just a graze. You’ve got to be more careful you know you were holding a gun right?” He’s good looking a brunette with broad shoulders one of them now bleeding but that didn’t make him any less attractive.
“Yeah, yeah no I know sorry it’s just that I wasn’t expecting..” Toni stumbles before realizing she still does not know this man.
“Who the fuck are you!” She picks up the gun again pointing it at him.
“Woah! Chill out put the gun down we can talk, my name is Scott.. just put the gun down!” Scott says firmly with a hint of urgency. Toni lowers the gun to hear him out, “how did I get here?”
Scott stands up grabbing a small towel from the pile on the chair pressing it to his shoulder. “I found you on the side of the road unconscious, I thought you were dead but when I saw you were breathing I put you in my truck and brought you here.” He explained. “So where are my clothes?” Toni says a bit hostile but Scott understands. “You didn’t have any, weren’t even wearing your shoes they were in your hand. What’s your name?” Scott says realizing it hasn’t come up. “Toni”.