Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.

It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.

Loudly Quiet

Closely , Cearfully, with an caring expression I examined the pictures . There he was smiling warmly and tenderly at this familiar woman which was holdingthe little boy which I inferred to be her son. I felt nothing no surprise no pain no disappointment just null of any emotions. I said over and over to myself trying to ignore the bubbling and rising sensation of sorrowful sadness that was appearing on my now slightly crinkled up face . Demion has another family outside from us outside from my daughter outside from me .

I got up frustrated and rage overwhelmed me he was too busy with his work and second family to take care of our daughter. I . Shall.End.This . Now . I exclaimed getting the divorce papers out which I had anticipated were going to be needed as I stormed in into his eloquent yet messy office a smell of alcohol submerged the room. Sharply glairing at me as he ran his hand through his now messy hair as I returned the glare making sure to shut the door .

« Let’s end this marriage! «  I stated in a more imperative tone placing the papers in front of him as he replied to that gesture with an exhausted sigh “really ! A divorce is me being busy with work and having a little disagreement with you which you weren’t mature enough to try and resolve it lead to this” he stated causing me to frown .” I know what you’ve been doing stop acting all heroic and pure “I roared out which were one of the things I regretted saying the most that night.

It was either we argued at night when Lily our soul our only daughter was sleeping or we wouldn’t utter a word to each other. Which our daughter began to notice began to feel akward at dinner times with the both of us leading to her taking her distance gradually.

After some years she turned 13 it was her birthday where we hosted a birthday party she was clearly having fun. Well that was until the night of her birthday where me and Demiom had a huge fight he was really drunk . I was in a bad mood that he came late for her birthday as her yet again recalled the inferred evidence which really irritated him . Screaming at him with all the strength that my lungs out I argued with him for about an hour whilst he mostly just stood there looking at me as if I was a pest .

So he left and work needed someone to take an extra shift so I accepted. I didn’t see Lilly much the obsession of me making money to help Lilly was motivating me to hwoek more . Whilst her neglectful father was busy running his company though would always shower her with gift which hindered me as I didn’t want her spoiled . Now I wish I gave her more gifts . I wish I spended more of my time with her . I wish that she would comeback.

She left this world by committing sucide it was another raining day where she came home from a tiring school day feeling down as written in her diary … she went into our empty bedroom and saw the pictures that I had of her father with his sister and niece. She misunderstood . She cried . She lost hope . She felt overwhelmed with negativity. She overdosed.

So here is my last journal I am writing . Bitterness and complete despisation I felt daily about myself . I can’t take it anymore Demion divorced. I moved not really knowing what to do hoping that this all was a dream . Tears full of regrets and remorse glided down my cheeks as I felt void truly as my soul my flesh and my blood was gone . So will I join her I overdosed ….:

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