Never Again

“It’s time.” Stacie said. No, no, no. What if this backfires? What if he finds me and gets revenge for me leaving?

“Melissa, you gotta leave now. You are to never come back here.” She paused, “I know how much you love him. But you know it’s best for both of you and your futures to leave.” Stacie grabbed my bags and took them out to the car. I looked over my note one more time. Looking at the note made me want to cry. I want to run into his arms and make him never let go of me. But this is the consequence and now I know I will never let something this big get in the way of my relationship.

I went upstairs and tucked the note into the envelope. I made his bed for him so when he got home he could relax in his bed. Hopefully not crying but I know I will be. I put the envelope on his pillow and then closed the door.

‘Goodbye baby, I love you so much. I wish I could’ve done something to prevent this. But please, don’t come back for me. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.’

With that I walked out the door and never looked back. At that moment I made a promise to myself, ‘Never gonna let this happen again. Never again.’ I walked to my car. Gave Stacie a hug and told her I’d see her again sometime.

As I drove, I cried. It’s so hard leaving someone you love. But leaving under these circumstances is what makes it worse for both people. I promise, promise this won’t happen again. Never again.

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