Rigor mortis had already set in but she managed to pry the piece of paper out of the victim's cold, lifeless hand.
Write a story using the prompt as the first line
He Died Anyway
Rigor Mortis has already set in but she managed to pry the piece of paper out of the victim’s cold, lifeless hand.
She didn’t know the whole story, she didn’t even know him. All she knew was that he was a friend and he was on her side. She wished she could remember him, and all the time she supposedly spent with him. She wished she could remember anything.
She looked down at the note, anticipating what it would say. Isaac told her that everything she needed to know was there, that it would make her remember. She didn’t know if that was true, but for some strange reason she trusted Isaac.
So she took a long deep breath and quickly opened the note. All it said were three simple words.
They need you.
With that all the memories started floating back.