Submitted by Grégorienne


Write a short story or poem around this theme - remember it does not have to be literal.


I miss hugs from Mom

I miss stories from Dad

I miss laughing with friends

I miss learning from teachers

I miss songs from birds

And purrs from cats

And barks from dogs

And bubbles from fish

I miss not being alone, confined to a box

Invisible chains keeping me in bed

I miss talking to people, making new friends

Reading tales of pirates and heroes

I miss not staring in the mirror for hours each day

Sucking in my gut, holding back tears

I miss not scrolling through the internet

Watching other girls live my dream

I miss not going to bed in my makeup

And having the energy to take a shower

I miss eating full meals

And kissing my partner goodnight

I miss feeling full

Feeling loved

Feeling nourished

I miss feeling alive.

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