He slowed to a halt and peered out the window as he asked the fateful question: “Need a ride?”
Continue the story.
Race to the Countryside
He slowed to a halt and peered out the window as he asked the fateful question: "Need a ride?" Darwin was filled with emotions. Relief, shock, and a little bit of concern too. He didn't have time to think about any of them as he quickly got into the car, slamming the door hard. The car took off before he even had time to fasten his seat belt, and he found himself getting thrown against his chair.
"What are you doing here?" Darwin asked, concerned for his friend's safety. If his friend was here, then that meant that he was part of the Organization, and since his friend was helping him, that also meant he was a giant target on his back.
"You called, and they sent me as their answer."
"’They’ being..."
Benji sped up even more taking a hard right, and even with his seat belt, Darwin was still feeling like he was in a toddler's shaker. "…being the Organization." He cast him a hard look. "I know you've been going on about protecting your family and friends, but you should know that I won't just stand by and watch my friend put himself through this." He sped up again and took a left turn, ignoring the bright stop sign. "We've known each other long enough."
Darwin gazed thoughtfully at the windshield as two small drops of rain turned into hundreds, into thousands pounding on the car as they fell. "You're right. That's why I spent so much time trying to keep this from you all." He tried to be calm, he'd been with many crazy drivers before, but Benji was starting to freak him out. "Why are you going so fast?" He finally brought himself to ask, promoting Benji to press the gas pedal down just a little more. "You're going to get us killed!"
"No, I'm not," he replied, taking a sharp exit onto a deserted highway. "I'd say 'I think we lost them', but then I would end up jinxing it."
Darwin looked in his rear view mirror. He hadn't even noticed that they were being followed. It was empty, save for a highway flying by as Benji continued to drive 40 miles over the speed limit. He gripped the armrest so hard his knuckles turned white and he tried to keep his oncoming panic attack in the background, but Benji only made it worse as he took a hand off the wheel to fist-bump Darwin.
"They're definitely gone," he remarked, a smug grin on his face as he stared at the road, as if he could will their car to go faster by watching it.
In the distance, Darwin saw a black dot quickly growing by the minute. "Hey Benji," he started, pointing at it. "What's that?"
By the time Benji saw it, it was too late. He couldn't slow down, and the dot was barreling towards them even fast than they were going. They were planning a suicide mission, and were going to take the boys down with them.